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Why Are Intersection Accidents So Common?

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intersection traffic

One of the most common areas for car accidents to occur is in an intersection. While they are important to functioning road design, they can create a build-up of traffic and require potentially dangerous turns and crossings. If you were involved in an intersection accident contact a New Jersey auto accident lawyer for legal representation and counsel.

What Are the Common Causes of Intersection Accidents?

With the increase in traffic and sometimes confusing design, it is no wonder that intersections tend to see an increase in collisions. While there are many common causes of intersection accidents, the following tend to be the most apparent.

  • Distracted driving such as texting, calling, eating, etc.
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Running red lights
  • Illegal turns
  • Turning from the wrong lane
  • Tailgating
  • Improper lane change
  • Aggressive driving
  • Obstructed vision
  • Traffic light malfunction
  • Attempting to drive through a yellow light

All of the above can create hazards and accidents on any part of the road but pose a particular danger in an intersection.

What Types of Accidents Commonly Occur?

The following are some of the most commonly occurring types of intersection accidents.

Rear-end collision

A rear-end collision occurs when a car hits into the vehicle in front of them. In an intersection, this can happen for a variety of reasons. The car behind may be trying to make it through before the light turns red, there could be a backup of traffic in the intersection causing tailgating, the driver may misjudge the distance they have, etc.

Side impact

A side impact or t-bone collision commonly occurs in intersections when a car hits the side of another vehicle traveling perpendicular to it. If either car runs a red light or makes an illegal turn they have the potential to hit a car that is following the rules of the road.


When vehicles collide nose to nose they are involved in a head-on accident. These collisions commonly occur when one or both cars are making illegal turns or failing to yield the right of way.

Any of these accidents have the potential to cause long-lasting injury and significant property damage.

How Can I Avoid an Intersection Accident?

Knowing the causes and outcomes of accidents in an intersection, it is important to be aware of ways you can work to prevent these collisions. It is always important to practice safe driving techniques but consider the following tips to avoid an accident in an intersection.

  1. Slow down when approaching a crossing and scan the area for hazards.
  2. Do not try to beat yellow lights, slow down when you see them change.
  3. Come to a complete stop at red lights.
  4. Look both ways for cars, bikes, and pedestrians before changing lanes or making a turn, even if you have the right of way.
  5. When going straight after a red light look both ways before proceeding.
  6. Use your turn signals.
  7. Avoid changing lanes if it is not necessary. You never know when people will turn onto the road or move over and you can always change lanes later on.

Follow the above safety rules to avoid getting into an intersection accident. If you require representation or legal advice during a personal injury claim or lawsuit reach out to a skilled attorney at Rubenstein, Berliner & Shinrod, LLC.

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